Thursday, September 8, 2011

San Diego - not in Portland, but still blog-worthy

Eric and I went to San Diego for Labor Day weekend.  We had to drive up to Seattle and fly out of Seatac because our tickets were booked before we moved down here. (On Tuesday we went up and down the coast in one day!)

Eric and Kinley enjoying the sunshine on the upper deck

We did a Harbor Tour and learned about the San Diego Bay.  Our tour guide was kind of a joke, but it was a pretty ride.

On the tour we saw some sea lions, boats that looked like humongous pieces from Battleship and a really long bridge.

I also like to nap after a big meal
Can't you just hear Sir Elton John singing?

After church on Sunday, some of us went to the Safari Park. 

This is a lion napping after his lunch...those people should've read the signs...I guess it's a good way to teach kids a lesson in obeying authority...

The Safari Park is very reminiscent of the Lion King - minus the murdering uncle, hyenas on nitrous oxide and awesome maybe not so much like the Lion King

Anna and Eric at the be

On Monday we went to Oceanside.  It's a beach in San Diego.  The weather wasn't ideal, but you wouldn't be able to tell from these faces, would you?

Some of the group went in the water to boogie board despite the less than ideal conditions.  I on the other hand decided to stay on shore.

While we were down there we celebrated our nieces' 1st birthdays.  They are very cute little girls.  :) Unfortunately, I didn't get any good pictures from their birthday party. My bad.

It was fun to see the fam (especially the munchkins!)  and spend some time together.  We're looking forward to seeing everyone again at Christmas!

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